Monday was quite different than the last couple of weeks! We managed to see 51 degrees today. Other than two days last week, warm weather days have been FEW and FAR BETWEEN this month.
This warm pattern will stick with us over the near future as the jet stream has pulled northward and we are being influenced by a strong southerly flow. Around 3:45 this afternoon, we measured a 23.5 mph wind gust. The windy conditions will continue.
With the exception of a few shaded spots, most of the snow has melted. One school system, White County, to our south has decided to take one more snow day off. I'm sure their mountainous area in eastern White County still has roads that are snow covered. Another will be running an hour late. The next day will bring an end to our snow-covered ground in all areas of the Upper Cumberland as we expect to see highs to reach the lower and mid 50's.
Our governor has proclaimed February 18 through 23 as Severe Weather Awareness Week here in Tennessee. Each day this week during my weather segment, I'll talk to our TV audience about a segment of severe weather. On Tuesday, we will discuss lightning, it is considered the 'underrated killer.' We are offering a brochure (courtesy of the NWS) via e-mail to those who request it.
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