How about this great shot of the mountains here in Middle Tennessee? It was an absolutely gorgeous day as we saw highs touch 80 degrees for most of us. This view is from the Alpine Lodge in Cookeville, TN. Yes, you can stay in a motel room with this view. AWESOME!!!!
I looked at the TN Crop Report briefly this afternoon and most of our peach and apple crop is heavily damaged from the Easter morning frost. 75% of the apple crop is rated in the WORST category while 96% of the peaches are in the worst category. That doesn't bode well for the farmers who depend on sales of these crops for their way of life.
Noticed the Greensburg, KS tornado was listed as an EF-5 on the new Enhanced Fujita scale. First F5 Tornado in eight years in the US. At times, this monster tornado was one (1) and one-half (1/2) miles WIDE. Shocking.
Tonight's Links
I don't think that I can even fathom something that large
It was QUITE large...I got up in the thing today and wished I was about 10 years old!!!!! :)
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