Sunday, April 13, 2008

Climate Data

Have you ever asked the following question?

"What was the temperature on February 5, 2008?"

Now I can tell you.

I've assembled some links that will provide you with what the Climate Data was for a specific date. For 2008, I will have the links right here on my blog on the right-hand side in about the 8th section down from the top.

For specific dates from other years here in TENNESSEE, you can click here and it'll take you to the NWS-Nashville Climate Page. I checked my hometown of Cookeville and they have data back to 1896. Some cities go back even farther than that.

Here is a 2nd Climate Page, the NWS-Nashville operates. It has other specific information that you'll find helpful as well.

My Weather Station page will take you back as far as July 20, 2006. Feel free to use it if you like, otherwise the NWS is a great place to go.

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Member-American Meteorological Society