****5:50 PM UPDATE***
Just got a report from a trained storm spotter in Memphis who has measured 5" of snow over a 3 hour period. He is using a 'snow board'..which is a measuring device that makes the recording very accurate. Not a snowboard that people stand on to ride down slopes either! :)
***5:20 PM UPDATE***
These are snow pictures from Memphis...*WOW*...

Looks like most of Middle Tennessee will see a snow event overnight and into Sunday morning. It is already snowing in Memphis and extreme West Tennessee as evidenced in my prior post. Here in the Cookeville area, we don't expect to see any snow until late tonight. Temperatures are, however, dropping across Middle Tennessee at this hour.
The heaviest of the snow appears to track into southern sections of Middle TN toward the Alabama border. They will measure 3+ while we will need A LOT of help to reach 2" here in the immediate Cookeville area. The Storm Prediction Center did use the phrase 'the main concern lies with the slow nature of the system and potentially anomalous overall snow totals for the region'...what that means in laymen's terms is this....some could measure snow depths MUCH HIGHER than the original forecasted amounts. I do not think this is the case here in Cookeville, but could be the case in some spots to our south and certainly to our west...
A couple of cool tools to look at....
Remember, the NWS-NASHVILLE is only predicting around 1/2 inch of snow here in Cookeville, so don't get too upset if we don't have that much by in the morning!! This is a tricky system for the computer models to predict. Some people will be REAL HAPPY with much more accumulation than expected while some will be disappointed!
The latest forecast should be out in a little while and I'll post it once released.
How much more are they expecting?
3-4 inches total isn't out of the question for most of Memphis.
Are we still expecting 1-2 inches?
Any update on the video forecasts?
Around 1" here ED...I did talk to someone today about video forecasts and had a good conversation yesterday about the same. Nothing set in stone as of yet sir, but thanks for asking!
5 inches already in Memphis? Wow! I'll be interested to see what you have to say in the morning about how much they got!!
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