Friday, November 20, 2009

Mobile Viewing of This Blog

For several months, I've had many people ask me to make my site more user-friendly for mobile phones. Whether you're a Blackberry Tour fan (like me) or a Blackberry Storm fan or even an iPhone fan, it is time to see my site easily on your smartphone!

I've heard your requests! Now, I'm pleased to announce, after much study, a NEW FEATURE here at THE WEATHER GUY you are able to view posts on your mobile phone easily.

Some things to remember. The site will look a little different. You may or may not see some of the flash-based items on my blog.

Now, it's time to go and view my site on your mobile phone! While you're doing that, feel free to click on several of the links to see more. Google is very savvy at making my site work well on your phone.

Again, if you have any questions or concerns, let me know.

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Member-American Meteorological Society