"We are still evaluating the losses. Everyone wants to salvage wheat forhay and wondering what the feed value will be. Ninety-five percent ofapples, peaches, and blueberries are gone. Still trying to decide on thedamage to pastures and hay crops."
......Scott Chadwell, Putnam County
The above quote is from the Crop Report....Scott is our local county agent. The freeze Easter weekend did quite a bit of damage. While many trees suffered damaged, others are now sprouting new growth.
In the picture above, you can see some blooms, but most are damaged from the freeze. I'll get another picture of this plant tomorrow to see what progress we've seen in the last week.
Had a nice e-mail from Dale Welch or Cuz'n Dale (as I call him!) today. He publishes a newspaper in Monterey, TN. Monterey is several hundred feet higher in elevation than we are down here in Cookeville. Their weather (especially in the fall and winter) will reflect that difference in elevation. I've linked his paper's website at the bottom of the post.
As of April 29th, rainfall amounts are still officially about 6.36" below normal here in the Upper Cumberland. Tonight, we saw a FEW sprinkles here in Cookeville with a nice lightning show to our north around 8:45 pm. The rain wasn't even enough to be considered a trace amount.
Our forecast calls for a 40 to 50% shot of showers through the next 72 hours. You can almost call this a summer pattern....with the typical 'pop-up' variety of thunderstorms.
Tonight's Links
Nashville Weather from Channel 2
Cuz'n Dale's Hilltop Express Newspaper
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