Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Very Dry and No Relief In Site!

Another bright, beautiful, sunny day here in Middle Tennessee. I just love these kinds of days. They start out cool in the morning, then warm up nicely throughout the day. The downside once again is the dry conditions. My yard is beginning to have more brown patches. Our garden is needing almost daily watering.

Areas of southern middle Tennessee will be affected by smoke from fires in Georgia. It is actually part of their official forecast. It is the first time in my memory that I've seen a forecast that calls for 'Areas of Smoke'....interesting!

Peaking at the extended forecast, I see a 20% chance for showers NEXT Tuesday...forecasting that far out isn't usually accurate, so we'll stick with DRY conditions over the holiday weekend. Hot temperatures continue as daytime highs will range from 84 to 87 each day. Enjoy the sunny weather and be sure to use sunscreen!

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