A good chance of precipitation today (Friday) with highs near 90°. The biggest threat today is the possibility of storms producing heavy rain and gusty winds. Chance of rain is 70%.
Speaking of rain, we sure have had quite a bit since just before 11 pm last evening. As of 7 am, I have recorded 1.64". This gives us 4.24" for the month of July. This is the most rainfall for a month since March. All of this rain has come in the last 12 days. This has caused yards to 'green up' and gardens to return to some sense of normalcy.
The storms last night caused power outages across much of the northern half of the city of Cookeville along with a busy evening for first responders. The lightning was frequent and loud. Our power flickered several times but stayed on.
The weekend looks as if the rain chances will diminish and highs around 90°
*Latest Local Forecast*
Cookeville's Daily Almanac
July 19, 2012
Yesterday's high: 91.7°
This morning's low: 68.4°
Normal: 87/66
Records: 101° in 1926 and 54° in 2009
Last year: 93/75
1.64" at my station
July total: 4.24"
2012 total: 26.18"
3.25" of rain fell on this date in 1917
Speaking of rain, we sure have had quite a bit since just before 11 pm last evening. As of 7 am, I have recorded 1.64". This gives us 4.24" for the month of July. This is the most rainfall for a month since March. All of this rain has come in the last 12 days. This has caused yards to 'green up' and gardens to return to some sense of normalcy.
The storms last night caused power outages across much of the northern half of the city of Cookeville along with a busy evening for first responders. The lightning was frequent and loud. Our power flickered several times but stayed on.
The weekend looks as if the rain chances will diminish and highs around 90°
*Latest Local Forecast*
Cookeville's Daily Almanac
July 19, 2012
Yesterday's high: 91.7°
This morning's low: 68.4°
Normal: 87/66
Records: 101° in 1926 and 54° in 2009
Last year: 93/75
1.64" at my station
July total: 4.24"
2012 total: 26.18"
3.25" of rain fell on this date in 1917
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