Expect mostly sunny skies with calm winds today and a high of 90°. It'll mark the 4th day in a row that we've topped 88°. Normal high this date is 86°. Tonight, skies become mostly cloudy with a low of 66°. An approaching front will bring a better chance for showers and thunderstorms with a high of 88° on Tuesday.
*Latest Local Forecast*
Isaac's path continues to confound the experts. The storm is now expected to move onto shore in Louisiana and move just west of New Orleans. As most of you know, it is the right side of the hurricanes that typically see the most damage. The system of levees will be tested in a major way for the first time since Katrina.
As far as Isaac affecting Tennessee, we believe the center of the storm will move into Arkansas. Since Isaac is such a large storm, it is possible to see heavy rainfall especially over west Tennessee.
Cookeville's Daily Almanac
August 27, 2012
Yesterday's high: 90.8° *first time at 90° in 16 days*
This morning's low: 63.2°
Normal: 86/62
Records: 100° in 1936 and 49° in 1922
Last year: 88/59
0.00" at my station
August total: 5.64"
2012 total: 31.94"
2.84" of rain fell on this date in 1992
*Latest Local Forecast*
Isaac's path continues to confound the experts. The storm is now expected to move onto shore in Louisiana and move just west of New Orleans. As most of you know, it is the right side of the hurricanes that typically see the most damage. The system of levees will be tested in a major way for the first time since Katrina.
As far as Isaac affecting Tennessee, we believe the center of the storm will move into Arkansas. Since Isaac is such a large storm, it is possible to see heavy rainfall especially over west Tennessee.
Cookeville's Daily Almanac
August 27, 2012
Yesterday's high: 90.8° *first time at 90° in 16 days*
This morning's low: 63.2°
Normal: 86/62
Records: 100° in 1936 and 49° in 1922
Last year: 88/59
0.00" at my station
August total: 5.64"
2012 total: 31.94"
2.84" of rain fell on this date in 1992
August continues to be a below average month in terms of temperatures but an above average month in terms of precipitation. Current temps are 2.3° below average and rainfall is about 10% ahead of an average August.
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